South Cariboo Garlic Festival Garlic Catalogue
Below are the Garlic varieties that we will be bringing to you at the south Cariboo GaRlic Festival Be sure to pick out some favourites and discover some new ones to!
Softneck artichoke garlic has fewer, but bigger cloves. It also has a softer flavour compared to Silverskin garlic. The flavours are familiar, but have a bit of a mild element rather than the richer deeper characters of some of the other cultivar varieties. When properly stored, it can keep for up to eight months
Italian garlic is of the Softneck Artichoke variety. It has a slightly sweet, spicy, robust but not over-powering heat. When eaten raw, a little goes a long way as the spice is slow to warm up and then briefly lingers on the palate. This garlic is very aromatic. Bulbs average 12-15 cloves. Stores for 8-9 months. Try out the easy recipe for Italian garlic bread sticks.
Red Toch
Red Toch (talk) garlic's namesake is a nod to Tochliavri (talk-le-of-re), the small village in the Republic of Georgia where it was first grown. The town is also the birthplace of garlic expert and enthusiast Chester Aaron, known as the "father of garlic." It was collected by Peter Hanelt in 1988 and given to the Gatersleben Seed Bank in eastern Germany. Today, Red Toch can be found in Asia, Europe, Canada and the United States at specialty grocers and farmers markets. Red Toch garlic offering a mild, yet complex, flavor and a unique aroma can be used in both raw and cooked applications. Its mild and complex in flavour offering minimal heat and is not as pungent as other garlic varieties making the flavour ideal for use in fresh preparations such as garlic spreads, salad dressings, and pesto sauces. Roasting it whole will enhance the Red Toch garlic's complex flavour and impart a caramelized sweetness to the cloves. Red Toch garlic works well in cream, butter
and olive oil-based sauces, with herbs such as basil, sage, and parsley, and with tomatoes, onion, eggs, poultry, shellfish and robust cheeses. Some have even called it the “perfect garlic.” Cloves are coloured with pink and red streaks. Bulbs are large, producing 12 to 18 cloves in a typical bulb. Red Toch garlic will keep up to six months when stored in a cool and dry place. Red Toch comes to us from Gourmet Mountain Garlic.
Romanian garlic was brought to British Columbia from Romania. It has a Hot, long lasting taste. With 4 to 6 cloves per bulb. Stores for 6 months. AKA “Red Elephant Garlic”
Inchillium is a softneck Artichoke garlic known for its superior taste. It is a bit of a rarity among garlic as it was reportedly discovered growing wild on an Indian reservation in Washington State and wasn’t brought to North America until relatively recently. Inchillium garlic is one of the more popular garlic to grow, as it combines large bulb size with good storage life and is easy to grow in a range of different climates. Inchillium has a rich, robust, lingering flavour that is not overpower. There are 12-15 cloves per bulb and stores for 9 months. Inchillium comes to us from Gourmet Mountain Garlic.
Generally, variety of garlic migrated east from Central Asia, through China and out to the Pacific coast. Asiatic garlics are weakly bolting hardneck, meaning they don’t always produce a scape. These are among the fastest-growing garlic types available. It grows large and is ready to harvest very quickly. This makes it a popular choice when selecting garlic for those who want to have fresh garlic as soon as possible and many times within the year. Some of these varieties mature early in the season, while others are among the last to be harvested right around mid season. Asiatic garlics run on the hotter side, especially when eaten raw. Bulbs, are pure white with thick wrappers richly colored in purple or mahogany. They average 8-12 medium sized cloves and have a shelf life of 5-6 months.
Sakura in of the Asiatic family. They average 5-6 medium sized cloves per bulb and have a shelf life of 5-6 months. Similar to Turbans, they are early maturing, just ahead of Artichokes. Sakura tends to be strong and hot, especially when eaten raw.
Glazed Purple Stripe
Genetically different from Purple Stripes and Marbled Purple Stripes, the bulbs are medium in size with large, stocky cloves that sit between Purple Stripes and Marbled Purple Stripes in shape and size. Cloves per bulb vary between cultivars, but commonly range from six to twelve. Glazed Purple Stripe Garlic are hardnecks. The ‘glazed’ term comes from the look of the bulb wrappers which have a glazed, metallic appearance, silvery purple with occasional gold tones. Little genetic research has been done with this group, but what DNA evidence has been collected shows that there is a close genetic heritage shared by both Glazed Purple Stripe and Asiatic garlic. These are very tasty culinary garlics, with modest heat, producing a warm pleasant taste - rich and complex. They are excellent for recipes requiring either raw or cooked garlic. They also have a decent storage time of six to eight months in proper conditions thanks to their tight clove skins. They are very adaptable to different growing conditions.
Red Rezan
Glazed Purple Stripe
Red Rezan is very a fine culinary garlic as well. They are of moderate heat, producing a warm, but not over-powering, taste. Spicy when raw but mild when cooked. They are excellent for recipes requiring either raw or cooked garlic. Chop up a few cloves and throw them into your hamburger for a BBQ treat. Works well with meat and vegetables. Cloves per bulb vary, but commonly range from six to twelve and they have a storage time of approximately six to eight months thanks to their tight clove skins. Red Rezan comes to us from Skye Garlic.
Glazed Purple Stripe
The Oregon garlic bulb coloration is certainly attractive, and are very fine culinary garlic as well. They are of moderate heat, producing a warm, but not over-powering, taste - rich and complex. They are excellent for recipes requiring either raw or cooked garlic. Try this Garlic Parmesan Spaghetti Squash, (3 Bar Farms has both the garlic and squash you need), find the recipe on the Recipe page. They have a storage time of approximately six to eight months. And have an average of 6-8 cloves per bulb. They are very adaptable to different growing conditions. Oregon garlic comes to us from Rasa Creek Farm.
Marbled Purple Stripe
Genetically different than Purple Stripe, Marbled Purple Stripe grows in both northern and southern climates as a very reliable garlic. This garlic, for a hardneck, produces very well in warmer climates. The bulb size is very large as is the clove. The most notable feature about the Marbled Purple Stripe Garlics is their clove size. They have 5 – 7 large cloves per bulb. The cloves are the largest of the Striped garlics, but not as large as the Porcelains. It has striking purplish bulb wrappers, but the cloves are more on the brown side. The scapes can reach up to 6 feet. This cultivar can be quite hot when raw, smooth and mellow when cooked.
Marbled Purple Stripe
Hardneck Variety. Khabar is a rich, flavourful garlic. It has some initial heat then mellows out nicely. It is a favourite among many chefs for mashed potatoes. Give these Simple Garlic Mashed Potatoes a try, find the recipe on the Recipe page. The plants will produce big, thick garlic scapes. The bulb averages 5-7 cloves and are medium to extra-large. It stores well for 6 to 7 months. Was originally collected in Khabarovky, Siberia by Bob Ellis, an Alaska garlic grower. And comes to us from Boundary Garlic in BC.
Kostyn's Red
Marbled Purple Stripe
It has a very intense, long lasting flavour. The flavour alone should earn it the name Kostyn Red HOT!! Would be a great addition to a pot of Chili. On average each bulb produces 6 cloves. A longer lasting storage garlic, 8 months, when stored properly in a dry, dark and ventilated area.
Red Russian
Marbled Purple Stripe
Red Russian is a popular garlic with its strong and sharp taste. Use in any recipe you want to have a strong garlic taste, such as a hearty stew or a coupling of 3 Bar Farms Garlic and Hollow Tree Apiaries Honey with Honey Garlic Shrimp Stir-Fry. It has 6 - 8 cloves per bulb. For growing it tolerates a wide range of soil moisture and growing conditions. It is harvested Mid-season. You can expect 6-8 months if stored properly. Comes to us from Karli at Hollow Tree Apiaries. Find the recipe on the Recipe page.
Difference between Russian Red and Red Russian: Russian Red is Hotter and has more cloves per bulb
Marbled Purple Stripe
Siberian has a delightful and subtle flavour that does not overwhelm the dish. Making it an excellent choice for use in a variety of dishes including sauces, dips, stir-fries and garlic bread. Siberian is aolso thought to be one of the best Roasting Garlics caramelizing while it roasts with a bit less sweetness then Chesnok. Leaving a nice warm, lingering taste. But hot if eaten raw! Find the recipe for Roasted Garlic on the Recipe page. Siberian is an excellent garlic for growing as it tolerates a wide range of climates. It grows well in both hot and cold areas. It is harvested in Mid to late season. And stores for 6 to 8 months. Each bulb has 6 cloves. Siberian Garlic originally came from Europe. And showed up in Alaska sometime in the 19th century. It is said that it was traded in return for vegetables
Hot porcelain tibetan
Marble Purple Stripe
Hot Porcelain Tibetan is from the Marble Purple Stripe variety. It is a garlic with a lot of flavour and a lot of heat...ti-betan has a ti-bite for a smaller type clove, BUT makes up for it with a hot kick and goes with any dish. It is hardy, healthy and keeps longer than most garlics. It has 4-6 cloves per bulb. It comes to us from Jeannie's Garlic in Spences Bridge
Marbled Purple Stripe
Like its cousin Metechi, Bogatyr is a large, mid to late summer hardneck. It has a strong and complex taste, with a rich garlicky flavour. Its flavour holds up during cooking. A delicious and satisfying culinary garlic. Metechi and Bogatyr are indistinguishable from each other except by dna analysis. An average bulb has 8-10 cloves and stores well for 6-8 months. Bogatyr comes to us from Buckerfield in Salmon Arm, BC.
Marbled Purple Stripe
Similar to its cousin Bogytr, Metechi can be quite hot when raw, smooth and mellow when cooked, providing good overall garlic character to many recipes. Metechi and Bogatyr are indistinguishable from each other except by dna analysis. An average bulb has 5-7 cloves. Metechi has a long storage life (six to eight months). Bogatyr comes to us from Buckerfield in Salmon Arm, BC. Give a little kick to a Creamy Garlic Chicken Penne dish. Find the recipe on the Recipe page.
Rocky REd
Marbled Purple Stripe
If you love Red Russian, give this one a try! It has a bold flavour that’s quite hot when eaten raw. Try the Spicy Garlic Buffalo Wings recipe (found on the recipe page) or toss and few chopped raw cloves into a salad. Bulbs have an average of 6-8 cloves. The garlic will keep for 6-8 months. Store in a dark, dry place. Harvesting is done in Mid-season. It comes to us from Skye Garlic.
Purple Russian
Marbled Purple Stripe
Perfect for eating raw or making into Pesto. They exhibit a clear, crisp texture and a mellow taste with a warm aftertaste that is smooth and not bitter. Harvests in early summer - stores into winter (6-8 months). Averages 6 large cloves. Purple Russian comes to us from Skye Garlic. Check out the recipe for Pesto on the Recipe page.
Porcelain garlic grows best in Northern cool climates, at the same time doing better in Southern climates than many other hardnecks. It produces large cloves, usually four to six, and is covered in a smooth white wrapper. Although the outer skin is white, individual cloves are usually covered in red/brown skin. Porcelain garlic is closely related to Rocambole in flavour with its richly flavored garlic with an earthy muskiness and generally hot strong tasting garlics with a few exceptions like Georgia Crystal and Music. Porcelain garlics store longer than most other garlics, only the Silverskins store longer, usually for up to eight months in the right conditions.
Great Northern
This porcelain variety is warm but not hot. It has a pleasant flavour profile. The bulbs typically have 4-6 cloves. They store well up to 8-9 months.
Leningrad is of the Porcelain variety. Its flavour is warm and has a sharp, strong taste. It will store up to 7 - 9 months and has 4 - 6 cloves per bulb.
Majestic is a hardneck Porcelain variety. It was created by Paul Pospisil of Beaver Pond Estates and is also referred to as Paul's Pride. Rasa Creek Farms' first Majestic came to them via Boundary Farm in 2010, then later to us from Rasa Creek Farm. Like other Porcelains, Majestic prefers colder climates and can produce large bulbs. Its flavour is on the milder side. On average there are 4-5 large cloves per bulb. While the outer wrappers are shimmering white the clove skins often tend toward purple, though they can be white as well. are a good storing garlic. Expect 7-8 months
Music garlic is a hardneck variety popular among chefs and home growers. The large variety is known for its shiny white, easy to peel skin and long shelf-life. Music garlic are excellent for storing and will last up to 9 months in a cool, dry and well-ventilated space. Each bulb is tightly wrapped in layers of porcelain white, thin, papery skin and contains an average of 4 to 6 medium to extra large cloves per bulb. Music garlic is rich in manganese and vitamin B6, as well as vitamin C and copper, and contains selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B1 and calcium. Music garlic in particular contains high levels of allicin, a sulfur-containing compound that provides antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Allicin is produced when garlic is crushed and is more potent in raw form. Music garlic is used raw, in cooked applications, and can be cooked whole. Use Music garlic in any recipe calling for garlic. One large clove can be enough to flavor an entire dish. Roasting or baking the bulbs will bring out the natural sugars,creating a caramelized effect. Use the potent garlic for meats and in vinaigrette or for garlic butter for your homemade Garli bread. Music garlic is fragrant and offers a medium-hot, garlic flavor. Music garlic was believed to have been brought to Canada from Italy during the 1980s. It was named for Al Music, a tobacco farmer turned garlic grower who introduced the variety to Canada. Music garlic is well-adapted to the cooler temperatures of the Canadian south and American Pacific Northwest. Music comes to us from the Turf farm in Westwold.
Northern Quebec is a Porcelain garlic variety which originates in Canada, it is cold-hardy and grows well in northern regions. It has a smooth yet spicy warm flavour. it is one of the hottest Porcelains. Stores well for 7 to 9 months and averages 4 to 6 large cloves.
Porcelain Garlic is the most impressive garlic plant. It grows lush and tall, and the bulbs can get very large with 4-6 huge cloves per bulb. Porcelains are all very richly flavored garlic with an earthy muskiness and generally hot strong tasting garlics. Great storing garlic storing longer than most other garlics. It stores well and can last well into the spring. Stores 6-9 months.
Dan's Russian is of the Porcelain variety. It originated from Dan Jason from Salt Spring Seeds and came to us from Dave in Monte Lake. It has a warm, full flavour, with a pleasant taste. It is delicious when cooked and fries up well. It has white to lightly coloured bulb skin and reddish clove wrappers with 4-6 cloves per bulb. Dan's Russian stores well for 7-9 months. Try the Russian Eggplant Recipe in Recipes.
Purple stripe
Purple Stripe is the most ancient of horticultural groups within the garlic family. Botanists have determined, through genetic testing, that Purple Stripes are the great grandparents of all other garlic. All garlic species known today originated from the Purple Striped garlic. Purple Striped garlics derive their name from the beautiful purple striping on the bulb wrappers and clove skins. They are a hardneck garlic, growing best in cooler Northern climates with cold winters. Most cultivars have 8 to 12 cloves per bulb. Purple Striped garlics are among the finest culinary garlics we have. Enjoy the most striking flavor – strong, complex and richly garlicky. In general, they are recognized as the best garlic for roasting.
Jennings Red
Purple Stripe.
Similar to Russian Red but with slightly less heat and all the flavour. Grows into medium to large bulbs and will store nicely from 6 to 8 months. Comes to us from Westwold, British Columbia. Jennings Red is a good choice when making Garlic and Chive butter. Check the recipe out on the Recipe page.
Russian Red
Purple stripe.
Russian Red is a favourite with its flaming hot warmth, but savory lingering flavour. It shares parts of its hottest personality when raw and its smoother side when cooked, while still retaining its strong garlicky flavour. This garlic would make a wonderful HOT Salsa! The bulbs are medium to large in size. Yielding 10-12 cloves. Stores well for 5 - 8 months. We acquired our starter bulbs in Westwold, British Columbia.
Difference between Russian Red and Red Russian: Russian Red is Hotter and has more cloves per bulb
Rocambole Garlic is the most common hardneck variety and it is also one of the most widely grown garlic varieties. They are valued for being early harvesting full flavored garlics that you can enjoy while waiting for the longer storing ones to mature and harvest. Harvests early-mid summer. Rocamboles are considered by many, as being the best tasting of all the garlics. It is well know for its bold, hot and spicy, truly delicious garlic flavor. Its raw warmth is balanced by a deep and rich flavor, with sweet undertones. A perfect dish where the object is to showcase the garlic flavor. On average bulbs have 8-12 cloves. Rocamboles grow best in cold winter gardens. The common agreement is that Rocamboles store the least amount of time out of all the varieties. However, under ideal conditions we've found that they can store up to 8 months. But typically you should probably eat your Rocamboles within 4-5 months, to make sure and use them while they are at their freshest.
Dukhobor Russian
Dukhobor is known for its deep, robust flavour, with a taste that is hot at first; then an aftertaste that is sweeter. Rocamboles are considered by many, as being the best tasting of all the garlics. Dukhobor have medium-sized bulbs with an averages of 8-12 cloves. Stores for 4 to 5 months. It is told that this variety was introduced to British Columbia by Dukhobor immigrants from Russia in early 1900's. It comes to us from Rasa Creek Farms.
Montana Giant
Montana Giant' has an earthy garlic flavour that starts with a high heat intensity but mellows quickly. This hard neck averages 8 to 12 cloves per bulb. Harvest fall planted garlic the following season, late spring or early summer, about 240 days from planting. Store for 3 months. Montana Giant was Developed in Kalispell Montana. And came to us from Rasa Creek Farms.
Russian Red Rocambole
Russian Red Rocambole garlic has a rich, musky, garlicky flavor and is very hot when eaten raw. When cooked it mellows but still spreads its enticing aroma through the air. Rocamboles are early harvesting full flavored garlic that you can be enjoyed while waiting for the longer storing ones to mature and harvest. Usually harvests in late June to early July and stores into mid-winter at room temp. This variety will produce 5-8 cloves in a bulb. Grows best in the northernmost regions but forget about growing them in the south. These garlic grow very large in the cold Alberta climate. This garlic comes to us from Boundary Garlic in BC.
Ukrainian is crisp and crunchy full flavoured and spicy with a warm rich but light aftertaste. This garlic will be excellent for salads and pesto among other raw uses. Also used in making Pampushky (Ukrainian Garlic Bread). Expect 8 to 12 cloves in each bulb. Can be stored for 5 to 6 months. How to Say Garlic in Ukrainian часниk (chasnyk)
German Red is a hard-neck rocambole variety. It is very hot and spicy. Another one good for the Chili pot, if you like your mouth on fire feeling! On average each bulb has 8 to 12 cloves. When planting choose a sunny spot, avoid wet feet. Does best in cooler climates. Harvest Early to Mid season. This is the garlic you will want to use first, within the first 4 to 5 months. German Red comes to us from Rasa Creek Farm.
Also known as Greek or Greek Blue garlic, Spanish Roja garlic is sometimes difficult to find, but is sought after for its superior flavour and is consistently ranked high in tastings among garlic connoisseurs and growers. It has a subtly sweet, hot, and robust flavour that lingers for a long time. When cooked, Spanish Roja garlic develops a deep, rich flavour. It can be used in both raw and cooked applications. It is powerfully hot when raw. A popular raw method is to crush or mix the garlic with olive oil and lemon or with vinegar to create a vegetable and salad dressing. Also try cooked on starchy pasta, grilled steak, roasted meats, and seafood. Spanish Roja garlic will keep up to five months when stored unpeeled in a cool and dry place. This prevents it from being distributed to large commercial retailers and centralizes it to remaining a specialty garlic. Believed to have originated in Spain. Spanish Roja would eventually travel to the New World and become a true heirloom variety of North America. It was first cultivated in northwest Oregon in the late 1800's and then spread to Washington and other areas of the Pacific Northwest. It comes to us from Rasa Creek Farms.
This Softneck cultivar is the last of the garlics to mature each season, it is also the longest lasting storing garlic. They will store from 10 months to a year in the right conditions. Silverskins are popular with supermarkets because of their long shelf life. Silverskin bulbs are smaller than those of Artichokes, but they have a large number of cloves per bulb, easily 10. The bulb wrappers are white but may have yellow or tan veining. Clove skins range from white to tan, largely pink-blushed, or even reddish purplish. The flavour is hot and aggressive. So f you like your garlic strong, this is a must try! This is a little smaller but far more flavorful garlic than artichoke garlic.
California Select
California Select is a Softneck belonging to the Silverskin cultivar. On average it has 8-15 cloves per bulb. It is a mild but creamy garlic, delicious in an Alfredo Sauce. It harvests early and stores for 10 months to a year
Turbans originate in Southeast Asia, many of them have beautiful oriental names reflecting their origin. Some cultivars are hot to sizzling hot when raw, but more mild and faint when cooked. Others begin mild, but then a hot jolt of garlic kicks in. There are also some rich garlicky ones that don't overpower with pungency. They are very popular in Southeast Asian cuisine. Turbans usually have 5-7 very large cloves that form a circle around a center stem. Turban is the earliest maturing garlic. It is a good choice for those who want to spread out their harvest and enjoy some fresh garlic before the rest of the varieties are ready. They are short storing garlics as most don't last more than 5 months at room temperature before sprouting. Turbans should be a part of every garlic lover's garden along with long storing ones so you can have fresh garlic all year around.
China Rose
China Rose comes from the Turban variety. Has on average 5-7 cloves. Store 4-5 months. It has a nice, full garlic taste with a mellow after taste. Excellent baking and cooking flavour.